• TTEVerkehr, Telekommunikation & Energie

Presidency priorities in the fields of Transport and Telecommunications presented before TRAN and ITRE EP Committees

The Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Michalis Chrisochoidis, presented before the TRAN and ITRE Committees of the European Parliament, the legislative priorities of the Greek Presidency in the fields of Transport and Telecommunications, on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 and on Wednesday, 22 January 2014. 

The Minister began his speech by thanking Ireland and Lithuania, which, along with Greece, were the so-called "Trio" Presidency. He also thanked the European institutions for their support so far.


Beginning with Transport issues, in his presentation in the TRAN Committee (21 January 2014), the Minister stressed that the rail issues are one of the Greek Presidency's priorities, emphasizing the importance of the technical part of the 4th Railway Package and of the Shift2Rail research initiative. 

He then referred to air issues and the priority given to passenger rights and to the environmental impact of aviation, isolating the proposal on the noise-related restrictions from the Airport Package.

Regarding road transport, Chrisochoidis stressed the commitment of the Greek Presidency to work hard on the Proposal for the Directive on "weights and dimensions". He also underlined the political decision to promote the interoperable e-call system through the Proposal for a Directive on improving Road Safety.

Finally, on intermodal transport, the "Legislative Proposal for alternative fuels is a commitment for the presidency, while inland navigation issues will be promoted," said Chrisochoidis.


Regarding Telecommunications, in his presentation before the ITRE Committee (on 22 January 2014), the Minister, after stating that the context in which the Greek Presidency will conduct its work is determined by the notions of "safety, innovation, accessibility for all", he referred primarily to the 2 matters of the Greek Presidency that are more mature to be concluded before the last Plenary Session of the European Parliament.

"The implementation of the Proposed Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market", said the Minister, "will bring European citizens one step closer to the Digital Single Market, with safe, reliable and user-friendly electronic transactions between citizens, businesses and public services."

The 2nd issue the Minister referred to is the Proposed Regulation on reducing the deployment cost of broadband networks. "With this Proposed Regulation, we aim to faster, cheaper and more widespread broadband across the whole European Union", said Chrisochoidis, "with every positive consequence that might bring to the improvement of services and the increase of jobs related to Telecommunications".

Cyber Security is also among the priorities of the Greek Presidency. The relevant legislative proposal will ensure a high level of network and information security across the EU, fighting wherever possible cyberattacks and online espionage.

In the short time until the last plenary session of the European Parliament (14-17.04.2014) before the euro-elections, the Greek Presidency will also promote a legislative Proposal on the creation of the Single European Market for Telecommunications. "We will try to hold the delicate balance between the rights and interests of consumers, on the one hand, and the incentives for investment, innovation and market entry of firms, on the other," said the minister.

Finally, the Greek Minister referred to the special sensitivity shown by the EU and Greece for Persons with Disabilities and the elderly, including in the Program of the Greek Presidency the legislative proposal concerning the adoption of a framework of principles and techniques that will enable all users - EU citizens to access public sector's websites.

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