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  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

The Sea of Europe: The Economist’s Greek EU Presidency Summit

The Economist hosts its first Summit on the occasion of the Greek EU Presidency in Thessaloniki on February 17-18.
  • AGRIAgriculture & Fisheries (AGRI)

Aid scheme for the supply of fruit, vegetables and milk in schools, to be discussed at first AGRI Council (Brussels 17.2.2014)

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting will take place in Brussels, on Monday 17 February 2014, starting at 10:00 (CET).  It will address mainly agricultural matters. The Council will be chaired by Greek Minister for Rural Development and Food, Athanasios Tsaftaris.

The Greek Presidency will present its work programme for Agriculture and Fisheries for its term in office.

  • EYCSEducation, Youth, Culture & Sport (EYCS)

Capitals of Culture: Forging a Common Identity

For almost 3 decades, every year one European city or, as in recent years, two or three cities simultaneously, have been designated European Capital of Culture, providing living proof of the richness and diversity of European cultures.
  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

OAED Conference on apprenticeship: vocational education and training as a vehicle to tackle youth unemployment in the EU

The Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), under the auspices of the Greek Presidency, is organising today (14.2.2014) at Zappeion Megaron, a conference on apprenticeship that aims at highlighting the significant contribution of quality apprenticeship systems in tackling youth unemployment and achieving the goals of the "Youth Guarantee” European initiative.

  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

One month into the Presidency: Facts & Figures

The Greek presidency of the Council of the EU is already into its second month. The Presidency was officially inaugurated on January 8 with a joint meeting between the College of Commissioners and members of the Greek cabinet at Zappeion Megaron, followed by the opening ceremony at Megaron Athens Concert Hall, where the keynote speech was delivered by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

What is New Generation Network (NGN) ubiquity? How does it boost economic growth and employment in the EU?

Conference on broadband development, “Speeding up NGN ubiquity: a pillar for digital growth”, to be held in Athens on 13-14 February, under the auspices of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU. Watch the conference live on our website.

  • GACGeneral Affairs (GAC)

General Affairs Council (11.2) - Press Conference

A meeting of the General Affairs Council, chaired by the Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, took place today (11.02.2014) in Brussels. Watch the video of the Press conference held after the meeting.
