An Agreement between the European Union and the French Republic concerning the application to the collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy of Union legislation on the taxation of savings and administrative cooperation in the field of taxation was signed today, by ECOFIN President, Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras, the French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici on behalf of the collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy and Commissioner Algirdas Semeta on behalf of the European Commission.
The Council adopted today without discussion a directive on the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals for the purpose of seasonal work. Member states will need to transpose the directive within two and a half years after publication in the Official Journal.
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Venizelos to visit the capitals of the Western Balkan states, in his capacity as President of the Council of Ministers of the EU (18-21 February 2014)
On 12 February 2014, the Committee of Permanent Representatives endorsed an agreement between the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Parliament on a draft directive aimed at reinforcing and simplifying the market surveillance for the freemovement of pressure equipment in the internal market.
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The negotiations with the European Parliament on a Single Resolution Mechanism for banks, the ECB quarterly report on the implementation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, the adoption of the Commission’s Annual Growth Survey 2014 and an Alert Mechanism Report, the endorsement of the EU terms of reference in preparation for the G20 meeting in Sydney, the approval of the recommendations on the EU budget discharge 2012 as well as the priorities for the budget 2015 are the main topics of the ECOFIN Council on February 18 chaired by Greek Minister of Finance, Yannis Stournaras.