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  • EYCSEducation, Youth, Culture & Sport (EYCS)

Greek Presidency Priorities in the field of Audiovisual presented in Brussels

The upcoming Greek Presidency presented its priorities in the field of audiovisual for January – June 2014 at the Audiovisual Working Party of the Council on 9 December 2013.

  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Keynote speech by Greek Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Yiannis Vroutsis, at the Social Platform’s Conference in Athens on the ‘Social Dimension of the Greek EU Presidency’

At a civil society conference organized by the Social Platform in Athens (10-11 December 2013), the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Yiannis Vroutsis, after referring to the challenges facing the European Union, presented and analyzed the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU in the field of Employment and Social Policy.
  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Greek Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Mr. Yiannis Vroutsis, to present tomorrow, in Brussels, the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency of the Council of European Union in the fields of Employment and Social Policy

Greek Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Mr. Yiannis Vroutsis, will present the priorities of the Greek Presidency of the Council of European Union in the fields of employment and social policy at the EU Employment, Social policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council, to take place on Monday, December 9, 2013, in Brussels, in view of the assumption of the Presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 January 2014.

  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Meeting of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras with the College of Commissioners in Brussels

A delegation of members of the Greek government, led by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras met yesterday (4.12.2013) in Brussels with the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso.

  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

The Greek Health Minister Spyridon- Adonis Georgiadis visited Brussels on 3 December 2013 where he met with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in view of the upcoming Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU

The Greek Health Minister Spyridon- Adonis Georgiadis visited Brussels on 3 December 2013 where he met with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in view of the upcoming Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Greek Minister of Justice Charalampos Athanassiou to present the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency in the field of Justice

Greek Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Charalampos Athanassiou will present the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU in the field of Justice, on the second day of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels on 5-6 December.


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