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  • COMPETCompetitiveness (COMPET)

Identifying the major drivers for Industrial Competitiveness on the first Day of the Informal COMPET (Athens, 12.5.2014)

Identifying the major drivers for Industrial Competitiveness and addressing key challenges for the future of European Industry will be at the centre of discussions today (12.5) on the first day of the Informal Competitiveness Council (Industry) chaired by the Greek Minister of Development and Competitiveness, Kostis Hatzidakis.
  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

E-Health Forum (Athens, 12-14.05.2014)

The eHealth Forum 2014, taking place, in the context of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU, at Athens Concert Hall, aims at functioning as a platform for the exchange of experience and “best practices”, creating opportunities and challenges for dynamic partnerships and innovative synergies between local government, public, social and academic institutions and organizations representing patients and health professionals.

  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

A Quiz to Celebrate Europe Day!

Just 10 days before the elections for the European Parliament, the Greek Presidency is celebrating Europe Day (9 May) with a quiz! Take a few minutes to answer the questions and find out: Are you are a true Euro-connoisseur or rather a … beginner in EU affairs?

  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

Mapping a EU road safety strategy

Although road transport is a lot safer compared to the past, it is still considerably more dangerous than other means of travel. This underlines the fact that future initiatives need to be undertaken at EU level in order to prevent road accidents and minimize road traffic deaths and injuries. To this end, Member States need to build the political commitment necessary for adopting an EU road safety strategy.

  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

Road safety challenges for smart transport infrastructure development discussed at Informal Council of EU Transport Ministers (Athens, 8.5.2014)

Current road safety challenges for smart transport infrastructure development was the main topic of the Informal Meeting of Transport Ministers of EU Member States and EEA States that took place today (8.5.2014), at Zappeion Megaron, in Athens.

  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

Foreign Affairs Council – Trade Issues (Brussels, 8.5.2014)

A Foreign Affairs Council meeting on Trade issues took place in Brussels today (8.5.2014), chaired by Greek Deputy Minister of Development and Competitiveness, Notis Mitarachi. The agenda focused on progress in negotiations with the EU’s key trading partners, notably, Canada, Japan and the US. The Greek Presidency has set as one of its key priorities the promotion of growth and jobs and these agreements, once concluded, are expected to contribute significantly to this goal.
