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  • AGRIAgriculture & Fisheries (AGRI)

Important issues related to agriculture addressed today by AGRI Council in Luxembourg

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting took place in Luxembourg, today (14.04.2014), chaired by Athanasios Tsaftaris, Greek Minister for Rural Development and Food.

  • ECOFINEconomic & Financial Affairs (ECOFIN)

G20 Meeting in Washington: Greek Presidency supports efforts to foster growth and employment

The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting took place on 10-11 April in Washington D.C. back-to-back with the World Bank – IMF Spring Meetings 2014. Representing the Council of the EU, the Greek Presidency delegation was leaded by Christina Papaconstantinou, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance.

  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

Syria, Ukraine & Bosnia and Herzegovina on the FAC’s agenda (Monday, 14 April, Luxembourg)

The EU Foreign Affairs Council starts Monday 14 April at 12.30 (CET) and will be chaired by Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. 
The Council will assess developments in Ukraine, as well as EU-Russia relations, while over lunch, ministers will discuss developments related to the crisis in Syria and hold an in-depth exchange on Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The Council is set to adopt conclusions on these three items. The Middle East peace process and the recent elections in Afghanistan are also on the Council’s agenda.
  • EYCSEducation, Youth, Culture & Sport (EYCS)

Protection of minors in the digital age

In an era of rapid technological change digital media convergence, a major question is whether the existing legislation is sufficient to deal with challenges related to the protection of minors.

  • AGRIAgriculture & Fisheries (AGRI)

The functioning of the fruit and vegetable sector on the agenda of the AGRIFISH Council (Luxembourg 14.04.2014)

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting will take place in Luxembourg, on Monday 14 April 2014. The Council meeting will be chaired by Mr Athanasios Tsaftaris, Minister for Rural Development and Food.
  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Children first!

EU ratifies the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support

  • COMPETCompetitiveness (COMPET)

Get Smart & Innovate: Focus on new Industrial Technologies

It may sound a commonplace to say that scientific and technological breakthroughs can change our lives and the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us, but they can also help bring about sustainable growth, create new specialisations and jobs. Coupled with smart specialisation strategies that build on existing knowledge- and productive-based capacities of regions, they can form a powerful tool to exit Europe from the crisis and lay the ground for accruing competitive advantages in the globalized market.
