Today the Permanent Representatives Committee approved the agreement reached with the European Parliament on the regulation on the statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations on 25 February.
On 10-12 March Thessaloniki is hosting a EU Youth Conference on social Inclusion of young people. Take a stroll around the city, and find out about its youthful character, cultural life, rich culinary tradition and nightlife.
For many people, violence against women is an intolerable behaviour taking place behind closed doors, in troubled personal relationships between underprivileged people with poor education and limited opportunities to improve their lives. But such a claim could not be furthest from truth. Violence against women is a classless phenomenon that permeates all social strata and appears to be challenging various stereotypes we might be holding true.
The Permanent Representatives Committee approved today a compromise text on an enforcement directive regarding the posting of workers, provisionally agreed between the Greek Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament.
Parliament's employment and social affairs committee is expected to approve the compromise text in March and the Parliament at first reading in its plenary session in April.
The Council will then formally adopt the directive at a later stage.
The results of the biggest ever violence against women survey in the EU are to be presented today (05.03.2014) in Brussels, at a high-level conference held under the auspices of the Greek Presidency and in cooperation with the Secretariat General of the Council of the EU.
The survey conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is based on interviews with 42,000 women across the EU’s 28 Member States, who have spoken out about their experiences of abuse at home, at work, in public and online.
The Council of Energy Ministers, chaired by the Greek Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Yannis Maniatis, took place in Brussels today (4.3.2014).
On the second day of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, which took place in Brussels on 3-4 March, EU Justice Ministers examined topics aimed at, inter alia, strengthening the data protection rights, improving the position of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and combatting fraud against the EU’s budget. The meeting was chaired by the Greek Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Charalampos Athanasiou.