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  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Venizelos addressed the EP plenary (4.2.2014)

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos addressed today (4.2.2014) in Strasbourg, the European Parliament Plenary session on the Single Resolution Mechanism and the need to approve a financial transaction tax.
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Go for Democracy!

Distinguished guests will address a two-day event on democracy at Megaron Athens Concert Hall on 6-7 February 2014.
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

May 2014: Your vote counts

In support of the European Parliament Elections of May 2014, ALL European voices count, no matter the subject, no matter which opinion they hold. This is the position expressed by the European Commission and has been synthesised in a video clip produced and tailored for web and social media use.
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Greek Presidency priorities presented at the Committee of Regions (Brussels, 30.1.2014)

The Minister of Interior, Giannis Michelakis, presented on 30 January the priorities of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU at a plenary session of the Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

COSAC Chairpersons’ Meeting

In the frame of the parliamentary dimension of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC (the Conference of the committees of the national Parliaments of the European Union Member States dealing with the EU affairs as well as representatives of the European Parliament) took place in Athens on 27 January, 2014.
  • AGRIAgriculture & Fisheries (AGRI)

Provisional Agreement on the financing of the new Common Fisheries Policy (28.1.2014)

The Council under Greek Presidency and the European Parliament reached a tentative agreement on the main outstanding issues concerning the proposal for a regulation on the European maritime and fisheries fund (EMFF) replacing the existing European fisheries fund (8883/13), during the informal trilogue meeting which took place in Brussels on 28 January.
  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

Greek Presidency Boosts Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation

Senior officials meeting of the Union for the Mediterranean and Board of Governors of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the dialogue between cultures, Athens 27-28.1.2014


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