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  • GACGeneral Affairs (GAC)

New EU rules agreed for a faster, clearer and simpler European Solidarity Fund

The new legislative proposal amending the EU’s Solidarity Fund was approved today, 12 Μarch 2014 during COREPER following the successful mediation of the Greek Presidency.
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

France honours the Greek Presidency with the “Hellas-France Alliance 2014” programme

Building on decades of close ties between Greece and France, the French Institute of Greece is honouring the semester of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union, highlighting the cultural relations between the two countries through a programme unprecedented in terms of extent and quality, entitled “Hellas-France Alliance 2014”. Forty years after the restoration of democracy in Greece, the event’s title alludes to an historic slogan widely heard in Greece during the 1970s.

  • ECOFINEconomic & Financial Affairs (ECOFIN)

ECOFIN Council: Presidency gets updated mandate for negotiations on the SRM Regulation

Today, the ECOFIN Council gave the Presidency an updated mandate to negotiate with the European Parliament on a Regulation for a Single Resolution Mechanism for banks (SRM). 
The Presidency has put this issue on the top of its agenda as a key priority file.
  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

Council adopts guidelines for trans-European Telecommunications networks

The Council today adopted a regulation on guidelines for the deployment and interoperability of telecommunications infrastructure projects of common interest in the field of trans-European telecommunications networks. Today's decision follows an agreement reached at first reading with the European Parliament which held its vote at the plenary session of 26 February 2014.

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Modernising and harmonizing EU insolvency law will contribute to healthier entrepreneurship

The revision of the Insolvency Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000, as well as the harmonisation of substantive Insolvency Law will be the main focus of the Civil Justice Conference “Insolvency Law: Recent developments towards harmonisation”. The conference will be held on 12 March at the Zappeion Megaron in Athens.

  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Greek culture everywhere! The Greek Presidency celebrated across the world

A rotating EU Presidency is hard work, tough negotiations and complex agreements, but it is also an opportunity to celebrate European unity as well as the individual nations that forge it. In collaboration with embassies around the world, Greece’s fifth Presidency is bringing Greek art, music, literature, cinema, and gastronomy all around the world with a programme that highlights the country’s distinct cultural identity and its global resonance. Here are just some of the events that took place in the first two months of the Presidency.

  • ECOFINEconomic & Financial Affairs (ECOFIN)

ECOFIN Council of Ministers (Brussels, 11.3.2014)

The review of the Council’s position on the Single Resolution Mechanism for banks (SRM), with a view to finalising negotiations with the European Parliament and an amended Directive on taxation of savings, top the agenda of today’s ECOFIN Council. Live Broadcasting will be available here from 07:45 (CET)
