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  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

Agreement on indirect land-use change directive at the Energy Council (13.06.2014)

  • Photo: © European Union 2014

    © European Union 2014

At a meeting dedicated to energy policies on 13 June 2014, the Council reached a political agreement on the indirect land-use change directive and discussed key energy issues including energy security and energy prices.

Indirect land use change

The draft directive on indirect land-use change (ILUC) aims to minimise the impact of indirect changes of land use on greenhouse gas emissions, while protecting existing investments in biofuels production.

The text agreed by the Council acknowledges and addresses the ILUC phenomenon, starts a transition to biofuels with lower ILUC risks, and provides a clearer investment perspective while protecting existing investments made.

The political agreement will shortly be followed by the Council's formal adoption of its position at 1st reading.

For more info about the Council’s conclusions, visit the website of the Council of the EU.

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