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  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Last Greek presidency EPSCO focusing on prevention of undeclared work, social dimensions of employment & equal treatment

  • Photo:  © European Union, 2014

    © European Union, 2014

The last, under the Greek Presidency, EPSCO Council takes place in Luxembourg on June 19th 2014, with important issues regarding the employment and its social aspects on the agenda. The minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Mr. Ioannis Vroutsis will chair the Council meeting.

During the morning session, the Council will hold a policy debate on the European Semester 2014, as regards its contribution to the June European Council in the field of employment and social policy.

The EPSCO Council is expected to approve the employment and social policy aspects of the draft Council recommendations to each member state. The policy debate will be based on contributions from the Employment Committee (EMCO) and the Social Protection Committee (SPC). Moreover, a presidency note outlining the context for the debate has been prepared to provide guidance.

The proposal for a decision on establishing a European platform in order to enhance cooperation in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared work is also on the agenda, while ministers will take note of the progress report on a proposal for a regulation regarding the EURES.

Over lunch, ministers will discuss “Managing stress and psychosocial risks at work” - one of the main topics of the recently adopted Commission Communication on the "Health and Safety Framework". The debate will be enriched by Ms Christa Sedlatschek’s intervention, director of EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

In the afternoon, ministers will have the opportunity to exchange views on the social dimension of EU/EMU on the basis of the Social Protection Committee contributions.

Moreover, the agenda includes two progress reports on proposals for directives, one on equal treatment of persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation and another on gender balance among non executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges.

The Council is also expected to adopt conclusions on “Women and the economy: Economic independence from the perspective of part time work and self employment”.

At the end of the Council meeting, the incoming Italian Presidency will present its work programme and priorities for the second semester of 2014.

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