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Press Releases

  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

Road safety challenges for smart transport infrastructure development discussed at Informal Council of EU Transport Ministers (Athens, 8.5.2014)

Current road safety challenges for smart transport infrastructure development was the main topic of the Informal Meeting of Transport Ministers of EU Member States and EEA States that took place today (8.5.2014), at Zappeion Megaron, in Athens.

  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

Foreign Affairs Council – Trade Issues (Brussels, 8.5.2014)

A Foreign Affairs Council meeting on Trade issues took place in Brussels today (8.5.2014), chaired by Greek Deputy Minister of Development and Competitiveness, Notis Mitarachi. The agenda focused on progress in negotiations with the EU’s key trading partners, notably, Canada, Japan and the US. The Greek Presidency has set as one of its key priorities the promotion of growth and jobs and these agreements, once concluded, are expected to contribute significantly to this goal.

  • GACGeneral Affairs (GAC)

EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Conference: Presidency Statement (Thessaloniki, 8.5.2014)

An EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Conference was hosted by the Greek Presidency of the Council on 8 May, in Thessaloniki. Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle, Ministers for Foreign and EU Affairs from Member States and the Western Balkans, as well as senior officials from the EEAS and the European Commission participated at the Conference. Representatives of financial institutions and regional organisations attended the conference as well.

  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

Recent developments in external trade relations of the EU on the agenda of the Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC - Trade)

The Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council concerning Trade is taking place in Brussels on May 8th, chaired by the Greek Deputy Minister of Development and Competitiveness, Notis Mitarachi.

The Council will take note of progress on the remaining technical issues to be resolved on a comprehensive economic and trade agreement with Canada.

It will discuss implementation by Japan of commitments on the elimination of non-tariff barriers in the context of negotiations on a free trade agreement.

  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

"Athens Declaration" sets EU future maritime transport policy priorities

The “Mid-term Review of the EU’s Maritime Transport Policy until 2018 and Outlook to 2020” constituted the theme of the Informal Maritime Ministerial Meeting of the EU Member States and EEA Countries, which took place on Wednesday, 7 May 2014, at Zappeion Megaron, within the context of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU which adopted the “Athens Declaration”.

  • TTETransport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

EU road safety challenges to be discussed in Athens (Zappeion, 8 May 2014)

“Current road safety challenges for smart infrastructure development” will be the focus of the ministerial debate during the informal Council of Ministers for Transport of EU and EEA member states that will take place at Zappeion on Thursday, 8 May 2014, chaired by the Greek minister for Infrastructure, Transport & Networks Mr Michalis Chrisochoidis. The vice president of the European Commission and commissioner for Transport Mr. Siim Kallas will also participate, along with European Commission officers, ministers and high-rank officials for transport issues from EU and EEA member states.
  • ECOFINEconomic & Financial Affairs (ECOFIN)

Final adoption of the bank recovery and resolution directive and progress on important tax files at ECOFIN (Brussels, 6.5.2014)

In today’s ECOFIN meeting, the Greek Presidency welcomed the final adoption of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive. “Together with two other key texts recently approved by the European Parliament (the Single Resolution Mechanism and the recast Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemes), the BRRD completes the legislative work underpinning the Banking Union and constitutes a very important achievement in restoring confidence in the EU’s banks after the recent financial crisis”.
  • AGRIAgriculture & Fisheries (AGRI)

«AGRIdiversity»: the diversity of European agriculture at the heart of EU policies (Athens 4-6 May 2014)

The informal meeting of EU ministers of Agriculture took place in Athens from 4 to 6 of May, chaired by the Greek Minister of Rural Development and Food Mr Athanasios Tsaftaris. The key issue of the agenda was “Transforming the European agricultural diversity into strength”.
The Greek Presidency has chosen this specific topic with the goal to further turn the European diversity into strength. 
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Art inspired by our Union: Tintinnabullum Europeanum in Strasbourg

The Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in cooperation with the European Parliament presents in Strasbourg, the sound sculpture "Tintinnabullum Europeanum", by the artist Eleni Fotiadou, an artwork that reflects common European values.

Tintinnabullum is inspired by the potential unifying role of the European Union through a common culture that now more than ever is strongly claimed. The artwork  responds to the classical law of physics that “Things synchronized in tone, resonate”.


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