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Press Releases

  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

Statement of the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the EU on the results of the Swiss referendum

The Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the EU regrets the result of the Swiss popular vote on the initiative “against mass immigration”.
  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Europe’s urgent need for a growth-sensitive policy on gender equality

A meeting of the High-Level Working Group on Gender Mainstreaming took place at Zappeion Megaron, in Athens on 6-7 February 2014.
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

European Union Strategy Conference for the Adriatic - Ionian Region

The Stakeholder Conference on the EU Strategy for the Adriatic - Ionian Region, a two day event co-organised by the European Commission and the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union, opened yesterday (6.2.2014) in Athens.
  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Meeting of the High-Level Working Group on Gender Mainstreaming in progress today (07.02) in Athens

The meeting that has started yesterday (06.02) and is in progress today (07.02) in Athens, is organized every semester by the Presidency of the Council of the EU with the participation of the governmental authorities in charge of gender equality at the 28 Member States, the European Commission, the Secretariat of the Council and the European Institute for Gender Equality. The aim of the meeting is the coordination of actions of the Trio Presidency in the field of equality between women and men in the European Union.

  • EYCSEducation, Youth, Culture & Sport (EYCS)

Agreement paves the way for new rules on selecting European Capitals of Culture after 2020

An informal agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on the decision establishing a Union action for the European Capitals of Culture for the years 2020-2033 was endorsed on 29 January 2014 by the permanent representatives of the member states. Today (6.2.2014), the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education also endorsed the agreement. This paves the way for the official adoption of the decision by the Council during the Greek Presidency.

  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Strengthening employment and social cohesion - European Social Fund (ESF) Launch Conference in Brussels

Greek Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Ioannis Vroutsis addressed today a European Social Fund (ESF) Launch Conference for the period 2014-2020 in Brussels.

  • ECOFINEconomic & Financial Affairs (ECOFIN)

Statement by ECOFIN President Yannis Stournaras on European Parliament’s vote on SRM

We take note of the vote today by the European Parliament on the amendments to the SRM regulation.

The SRM is one of the key elements of Europe's banking union and a top priority for the Greek Presidency. All parties involved should now move ahead with reinforced vigour to adopt the legislation before the end of the parliamentary term, as called for by the European Council in October.

  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Venizelos addresses the EP plenary

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, representing the Council of the European Union addresses today (5.2.2014) the European Parliament Plenary session in Strasbourg, regarding the following issues: Europe's role in the Central African Republic, the Syrian refugees arriving at the Bulgarian borders, the EU-Russia summit and the recent incident at Farmakonisi island.

  • COMPETCompetitiveness (COMPET)

Coreper agreement on protection of satellites and space infrastructures

The Committee of Permanent Representatives today (5.2.2014) endorsed an agreement between the Greek Presidency of the Council and European Parliament representatives with a view to establishing a European surveillance and tracking service (SST) aimed at enhancing the security of space infrastructures and the safety of satellite operations.

The SST support framework will be complementary to related activities carried out under Union programmes such as ‘Horizon 2020’, ‘Copernicus’ and

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Coreper agrees on list of non-EU countries exempt from the visa requirement

Coreper approved, on behalf of the Council, a compromise reached with the European Parliament on a regulation amending Council Regulation 539/2001


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