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Press Releases

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Greek Minister of Justice Charalampos Athanassiou to present the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency in the field of Justice

Greek Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Charalampos Athanassiou will present the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU in the field of Justice, on the second day of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels on 5-6 December.

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Greek Minister of Justice Mr Charalampos Athanassiou presents the priorities of the Greek Presidency before the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels

In the field of Justice the Greek Presidency intends to continue the efforts undertaken by all EU Member States towards a fair Europe that cares for and is close to its citizens. A place where policies are based on democracy, fairness and respect for human rights”, stressed Greek Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Mr Charalampos Athanassiou, who presented today, (6.12.2013) the priorities of the incoming Greek EU Presidency.

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Greek Presidency Home Affairs Priorities presented in Brussels

During the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels, Minister of Interior, Ioannis Michelakis presented yesterday (5.12.2013), the priorities of the upcoming Greek Presidency in his area of responsibility.
More specifically, in the course of the Presidency, the Minister of Interior:

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Presentation of the Greek Presidency priorities in the area of migration and asylum by the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection in the Council of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs

Τhe Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection, Nikos Dendias, presented yesterday (5.12.2013), at the Council of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs in Brussels, the Hellenic Presidency priorities in the field of migration and asylum.
The Minister highlighted that the Hellenic Presidency will focus its efforts on a European holistic approach and management of the migration policy, with parallel actions to mitigate the consequences in the economic, social and political reality of EU Member-States.

  • AGRIAgriculture & Fisheries (AGRI)

Greek Presidency Agri-Fisheries Priorities to be discussed in Brussels (3-4.12.2013)

Greece’s Rural Development and Food Minister, Professor Athanasios Tsaftaris, will be in Brussels on 3-4 December for meetings with representatives and high-ranking officials of EU bodies in view of the upcoming Greek Presidency.
  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Greek Presidency priorities presented at EPC Breakfast Policy Briefing in Brussels (29.11.2013)

The priorities of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union were presented by Greece’s Permanent Representative to the EU, Ambassador Theodoros Sotiropoulos, at the European Policy Center (EPC) in Brussels, on 29 November 2013.
  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Meeting of Directors General for Industrial Relations of EU Member States

On Friday, 29 November 2013, the Directors General for Industrial Relations of the EU Member States held their biannual meeting in Athens, in view of the upcoming Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which commences on 1 January 2014.

  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Meeting of Directors General for Industrial Relations

The Directors General for Industrial Relations of the EU Member States will hold their biannual meeting in Athens, on Friday, November 29, 2013.

  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Europe: our common quest - Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Venizelos presents the logo of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Secretary Generals, Ambassadors, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to this event in view of the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which is the fifth presidency that the Hellenic Republic is undertaking, since its accession to the then European Communities.


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