What a trio presidency is |
Since 2007, the national rotating presidencies of the EU have been divided into groups of three successive presidencies, known as Trios, cooperating to ensure a more coherent approach to the Council’s work over an 18-month period rather than just the six months of each Presidency.
The aim of the triple-shared-presidency programme is to achieve continuity and consistency in the work of the Council of the EU, while enabling the three Member States to achieve better cooperation and exchange of expertise. As a result, Presidencies can identify and develop longer-term priorities and strategies to reach these objectives.
In the course of each Trio Presidency, a common programme, known as the Common 18month Programme of the Trio Presidency, sets out the key objectives to drive forward the EU agenda. A common agenda is thus more effectively accomplished, as the current presidency continues the work of the previous one, and also partakes in the work of the succeeding presidency.
Greece’s Presidency Trio partners are Ireland (January-June 2013) and Lithuania (July -December 2013). The three countries constitute the Presidency Trio for the 18-month period from 1st January 2013 to 30th June 2014.
The main objectives of the Ireland-Lithuania-Greece Trio programme are:
- to tackle the economic and financial crisis and strengthen the EMU through the effective implementation of economic governance mechanisms and the completion of the banking union
- to ensure further integration, competitiveness and efficiency of the EU financial markets, enhancing transparency and consumer protection
- to conclude work on the budgetary policy framework for the period 2014 to 2020 and finalize CAP and CFP reforms
- to deliver on the commitments made in the European Council’s Compact for Growth and Jobs
- to effectively manage the European Semester to promote growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, structural reform and the fight against unemployment, especially youth unemployment
- to help complete the Single Market by agreeing the remaining proposals of the first Single Market Act and working to advance proposals under SMA II
- to improve the competitiveness of the EU industry, in particular the competitiveness of SMEs, the backbone of European economy
- to develop the Digital Single Market and implement the EU’s Digital Agenda
- to lay emphasis on Research, Development and Innovation
- to facilitate development of the new European-wide energy infrastructure
- to invest in a modern transport infrastructure
- to continue the work on the further development of the green economy in Europe
- to set future broad policy objectives in the area of migration, security and justice
- to ensure continued momentum of the Enlargement agenda and the European neighbourhood policy
- to advance the EU’s external trade
- to have a leading role in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance
Read the full text of the Trio Programme.