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28 questions to prove you are a Euro-connoisseur!

We live in it, we work in it and we even vote for it, yet we do not know it. Exactly how Europeans are we? What do we know about the EU we live in? Here are the questions to check yourself!

In terms of population, the European Union ranks 3rd globally
True False
The largest country in terms of area is Germany
True False
Iceland is one of the 5 countries on the road to EU membership
True False
The European Parliament has a 4-year term
True False
Since its establishment, the single market has led to the creation of approximately 3 million jobs
True False
Estonia is not part of the euro area
True False
The EU ranks 5th globally in terms of Research & Development (R&D) investment
True False
200,000 young people move around the EU every year for education and voluntary work with support from EU programmes
True False
Schengen does not allow police cooperation
True False
The EU provides 50% of global development aid
True False
Power is divided among 4 key players in the European Union
True False
The EU is the world’s largest exporter
True False
Jose Manuel Barroso will run again for President of the European Commission
True False
The European Parliament will be composed of 508 deputies, to provide 1 deputy for each million citizens of EU’s total 508 m
True False
Winston Churchill is one of the founding fathers of the European Union
True False
The European Union counts 27 members
True False
The European Union has 24 official languages
True False
The European Union ranks 1st in terms of the size of the economy (GDP)
True False
We import 50% of the oil we consume in the European Union
True False
The European Union spends almost half its money on the rural sector
True False
In the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy is the equivalent of a national Foreign Minister
True False
The richest member-state (GDP per person) is Luxembourg, followed by Austria
True False
The annual cost of European Union administration is over € 50 per citizen
True False
China beats the EU in size of imports
True False
One in every ten human beings in the world lives in the European continent
True False
The EU’s budget is 20% of all gross national incomes put together
True False
The United Kingdom hosts more EU students than any other EU country
True False
When it comes to approving the candidateship of a new member-state, one of the first things the European Union observes is the status of the candidate state’s rule of law
True False
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